Welcome to Muskerry Pony Club
Muskerry Pony Club is a branch of the Irish Pony Club. We currently have fifty members aged eight to eighteen. Not all members are pony owners - it is possible to share or hire ponies for some of our events. To qualify for membership, you need to be certified "pony-mad" and willing to learn and challenge yourself while having fun and making friends.
We organise training in various equine disciplines, e.g. Showjumping, Cross Country, Dressage, Pony Games, and Road Safety, to name a few. We also run preparation courses for all Irish Pony Club competency tests from E to C+. Training for the later competency tests is run on a regional level. We organise a showjumping league (Jumps Ahead) in the Autumn, and the highlight of the Muskerry calendar is our residential Pony Camp in July each year.
We also have fun events such as Halloween and Christmas parties and the occasional outing without ponies, enabling our members to get to know each other. We enter members individually or in teams for many Irish Pony Club (IPC) events, e.g. One Day Events, Hunter Trials, Minimus, Tetrathlon, Alice Mernagh, Robbie Bailey and John Ledingham competitions and the IPC Festival.
We are run by a Committee of parents, headed by our DC Linda Daly. The Committee usually meets once a month from October to June. Our AGM is held in November. Muskerry Pony Club and seven other County Cork clubs form Area 5 of the Irish Pony Club.